US +1 (724) 740-1093

— Professional Custom Flute Maker —

Our Services


Commission a Flute or Head Joint

Contact us at (724) 740-1093 or with questions. We look forward to hearing from you!  Open weekdays 10 - 6 Eastern time.

For more information 


Flute Repairs

One of the remarkable things about fine handmade flutes is that they are made to be repaired, and so they will continue to play for hundreds of years if they are maintained regularly. Solid precious metal flutes will be around for many generations. Think of your flute as an ‘heirloom’ that will be a real treasure for people, if it is cared for regularly and handled carefully. 

More information


Flute Making and Maintenance Courses

Take a course with the Landell Flutes Technician Training Program, and learn the things you always wanted to know about the mechanics of the flute.

Landell Flutes

"There are over 180 handmade Landell flutes in silver and gold, and one prototype flute in titanium. Innovation has been my hallmark. Hard work has been the means." Jonathon A. Landell

Flutes for Sale

About Jonathon Landell, Flute Maker

Let me take a minute for an introduction. While I was studying flute performance with James Pappoutsakis at the New England Conservatory in Boston, I found a job apprenticing with Powell Flutes – the best in the business. Every day I learned something new, and I became skilled in the art of flute making. My lessons with “Mr. P” as we called him, made me aware of his concept of sound and tone. My lessons at Powell Flutes made me aware of the mechanical aspects of the art of flute making. My greatest ambition was to build custom handmade professional flutes under my own name.

It was just like going to college to work under such people as Ed Almeida, Bick Brannen, and Dick Jerome. During that period they trained Fredrich Von Huene, Jack Goosman, Charlie Roberts, Gene Sagerman, and myself, all of whom went on to establish new custom workshops. We shared an admiration for Mr. Powell and for the new owners.  We were the class of the 60’s, who followed Verne Powell’s dedication to the art of making great flutes and playing the great music of the modern flute. Read more

Visit us in Wampum, Pennsylvania

Visit us in Wampum. Wampum is part of the Pittsburgh metropolitan area, making it easily accessible. Come explore our hidden gems, connect with friendly locals, and create lasting memories. Visit us in Wampum, Pennsylvania, and experience the warmth of our community! Read more

Wampun Town Chapel

Pro Flutists' Commissions

William Bennett

Landell #1

Maxence Larrieu

Landell #12 14K Gold

Jürgen Franz

Landell #32 14K Gold