US +1 (724) 740-1093

Flutes & Head Joints

Custom Handmade Flute

Hallmarks of a Custom Handmade Flute

How can I possibly demonstrate one of my flutes without putting it into your hands? I have some beautiful photos of my work, but you won’t be able to play a Landell just looking at pretty pictures. Most of the flutists who have commissioned a new flute from me have already played one that belonged to another flutist. Several people actually commissioned a new flute after hearing someone play one in a concert!  Depending on your location it might be possible to find such a connection nearby. If you can come to Wampum for a visit, that would be the best way, because I often have different kinds of flutes and heads for you to try. If you live inside the USA, I’ll send you a flute or a selection of head joints to play for a week in your own studio ...

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Head Joints

The Head Joint works like the Bow of the Violin.  The flutist uses the air jet directed from between their lips to form a complex stream of air that excites the cylinder of air inside the Center Joint to vibrate back and forth with a sound similar to the human voice.  The size and shape of the “Embouchure Hole” in the “Lip Plate” will make the tone of the flute either bright or dull depending on the shape of the hole and the sharpness of the Blowing Edge.   The variety of expressiveness will be either more wide and bold, or else somewhat narrow and limited depending on the Height of the Wall (or depth of the hole).  

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Hand Engraving is the ultimate expression of the artisan who wants to personalize the instrument. It gives the instrument an artistic quality that goes beyond tone and musical expression. Very few craftsmen have the combination of skills that brings enough control to the graver to extend beyond the artist’s paint brush or pen. Engraving on the lip plate makes it more secure for the lower lip in very hot and humid playing conditions. The added stability allows the player to perform without constantly wiping the perspiration off the lip plate.

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Landell Flutes LLC
322 Main St, Wampum
PA 16157 USA
Phone (724) 740-1093

“There are over 180 handmade Landell flutes in silver and gold, and one prototype flute in titanium. Innovation has been my hallmark. Hard work has been the means.”
Jonathon A. Landell